About Me

  • Full Name:Alibek Sailanbayev
  • Phone:+7 702 651 9616
  • Website: www.alibsa.kz
  • Address:Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hello There!

My name is Alibek Sailanbayev. This is my personal website where you can find more information about me.

My Resume

  • Education

  • Masters Degree

    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - 2017 - 2018

    I was admitted to KAUST to Prof. Peter Richtarik's group and started to work on Optimization in Machine learning. These were my first steps in Machine learning. I wrote and co-authored several papers with very smart and brilliant people from the group. I also finished my graduate level coursework - Machine Learning, Big Data optimization, Algorithms, Numerical Linear Algebra etc.

    During the studies I attended few conferences and workshops: Applied Machine Learning Days 2018 (EPFL, Switzerland), Data Science Summer School 2018 (Ecole Polytechnique, France), IWR School: "Advances in Mathematical Optimization” 2018 (Heidelberg University, Germany), ICML 2019 (Long Beach, USA), Yandex Research Summit 2019 (Yandex HQ, Russia).
  • Bachelors Degree

    Nazarbayev University - 2013 - 2017

    Awards from mathematical olympiads allowed me to get accepted to one of the best universities of Kazakhstan without entry exams. Here I learned a lot in math and computer science. I took courses of Calculus, Real Analysis, Matrix Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Programming in C/C++, Web Programming, Data Structures, Image Processing (and many other very beneficial courses). I also started my first steps in research - summer internships at IST Austria, INRIA/LORIA. During bachelors I published two papers.

  • Graduation from high school

    National school of physics & math - 2010 - 2013

    In this best school of Almaty (the biggest city in Kazakhstan) my journey of mathematician began. During the period I participated in different international and regional mathematical competitions (IMO, IZHO, BMO, Tuymaada, national and regional competitions).